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Celestial map

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EGL. and GER.:

Dear visitors !

I like to welcome you in my world of Science and art. is the page wich shows you something about my science and artwork. For information about my museums and fine art exhibitions please visit:

My scientific work essentially revolves around three discoveries:
1. the discovery of the Atlas in the sky
2. discovery of the oldest images of the zodiac on Malta
3. the discovery of the significance of the Nebra Sky Disk
The discoveries were published by Arte, HR, FAZ, FR, Times of Malta and many other media.
You will find information on all these main discoveries on this page in the form of videos, pictures and texts.


Liebe Besucher!
Ich möchte Sie in meiner Welt der Wissenschaft und Kunst willkommen heißen. ist die Seite, die Ihnen etwas über meine Wissenschaft und Kunst zeigt. Für Informationen über meine Museen und Kunstausstellungen besuchen Sie bitte:
Meine wissenschaftliche Arbeit dreht sich im Wesentlichen um drei Entdeckungen:
1. die Entdeckung des Atlas am Himmel
2. die Entdeckung der ältesten Abbildungen des Tierkreises auf Malta
3. die Entdeckung der Bedeutung der Himmelsscheibe von Nebra

Die Entdeckungen wurden von Arte, HR, FAZ, FR, Times of Malta und vielen anderen Medien veröffentlicht.

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zu all diesen wichtigen Entdeckungen in Form von Videos, Bildern und Texten.



Valletta - cultural capital of Europe,

May 2017:


Dr. Wirth had been honoured by Mme. President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca of Malta for his scientific work:

First physical proof!

Helge discovered the worlds eldest picture of Zodiac`s with their original shapes on Malta.

Here you see a replica wich shows the shapes and the right successive: At first scorpio then Virgo and Leo. This must at least be 4000 Years old. Much elder than the Dendra zodiac from egypt.







helge wirth, stoneage, stonehenge astronomy, bronzeage, nebra

First physical proof:

Ship and sumerian starmap discovered on Tal Qadi Stone

The story of the discovery

l horrizont helge wirth klein Kopie.jpg
times article helge wirth.jpg
Article voice of the maltese klein.jpg

First physical proof!

Helge Wirth discovered the worlds eldest picture of Zodiac`s with their original shapes on Malta.

Here you see a replica wich shows the shapes and the right successive: At first scorpio then Virgo and Leo. This must at least be 4000 Years old. Much elder than the Dendra zodiac from egypt.



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